
Showing posts from December, 2020

Introduction Of The Holy Quran

  The Quran is a very comprehensive word of Allah ALMIGHTY which is helpfull for humans in the world. The holy book of the Quran is said to be comprehensive because the Quran is a blessing of Allah worthy of a miracle which was revealed to the prophet (S.W.A) by means of the angel Gabriel as written on the mashahif, narrated to mankind.   Quran read with Translation   counted as worship. Its content begins with surah al -Fatihah and ends with surah an-Naas. The Quran is the final  Holy Book of Allah . It is the word of Allah. The letter revealed to the Noble Prophet of Islam, MuḼammad [peace be upon him and his progeny], directly or by means of the archangel Gabriel. It is the only Holy Book, believed by Muslims that has not been altered or distorted, unlike the previous ones such as the Gospel or the Torah, which Muslims believe they have been distorted and altered greatly. From this point arises the importance of the Quran. Proper  Tajweed Course  in much important for better pronunc